>> READ ALL THE ORANGE TEXT!! ALL OF IT.. #### #### >>> READ ALL CODE EXAMPLES... #### #### >>> READ ALL OF IT..... !ALL! #### #### -------------------------------- #### #### >>>> UNDERSTANDING IS THE CLUE #### #### >>> DO NOT SKIP A SINGLE WORD!! #### #### >>> AND REMEMBER I TOLD YOU ABOUT IT #### #### -------------------------------- #### #### >>>> UNDERSTANDING IS THE CLUE #### #### >>>> IT'S ALL THE DIFFERENCE YOU NEED #### ### >>>> TO BE AN EXPERT IN ONE OR TWO HOURS #### ## -------------------------------- #### # ........IMAGINE ! ########################### # HISTORY # 0 My crew is in the total infancy of php knowledge! # All of them. I am alone... # 0.0.1 collecting code snippets into library.PHP # 0.0.2 Emailing a one page email to colstaff declaring imminent courses # # 0.1 Outlining the principal chapters # variables constants globals post get cookies # GET POST SERVER REQUEST SESSION why? # conditions ? '':'' if elseif else switch # arrays numeric, alphanumeric indexes is_array is_key # databases select syntax # mysql one row retrival # loops for while fun with loops # mysql multirows # function creation, call values, globals and return of multiple values # strings substr strlen strpos str_replace ereg etc # dates time date strtotime juliandatecount # math functions # 0.2 Adding meat to the bones, filling chapter by chapter with # php compatible code # 0.3 History created # 0.4 Maintenance update, code cleanups and reuse # 0.5 working on show_source code switch # 0.6 implemented "source - result" display # 0.7 Maintenance and cleanup # 0.8 added more comments # 0.9 another revision with more comments, some re-ordering # 1.0 last revision by jonathan $ver = "1.0"; $PHP = "PHP"; $CRASH = "CRASH"; $COURSE = "COURSE"; // I'll explain this next four lines at the end of this page if($_REQUEST["switches"] =="on"){$sw="off";$sw2="on";} if($_REQUEST["switches"] =="off"){$sw="on";$sw2="off";} if($_REQUEST["switches"] ==""){$sw="on";$sw2="off";} if(!isset($_REQUEST["countz"])){$countz=1;}else{$countz=$_REQUEST["countz"];} // ok, lets continue . . . $title = "

" . $PHP . " " . $CRASH . " " . $COURSE . " ver. $ver
\n"; $title .= "20 chapters with working examples.

"; $html = "Get professional 10 years experience & instructions, coded
with the manic 9/36/384 mentality from php UltraGeek Bernhard.
\n"; // did you see this three liner? // Yes, for clarity you can break your code into pieces, // ... it works, if your syntax is correct. $html .= "I rarely use more functions then the following examples :-)"; // some post production html dressing. $output_string = "

" . $html . "

"; // one word to this "$output_string" thingi. Every time you see this // variable, and that is 107 times, read or translate it to // // "PRINT IT IN THE HTML!". // // Capitch? Don't forget that! // One more to string concatenation, that you have already seen on top of this line. // There is a whole chapter for string functions that explains // a lot of the assembly of code. // <<<< THE first one of these "$output_strings" DOES NOT NEED THE // CONCATENATING DOT >>> ######################################################## ################################################### INTRO ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

# 1 ################# INTRO #######
\n"; // THIS ONE DOES NEED THE CONCATENATING DOT as ALL FOLLOWING ONES // IF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING $output_strings .= IS MISSING THE DOT, // THE HTML STARTS THERE AND NOT HERE // OK, lets start... // PHP is a complex scripting language which originally made html pages. // Today's ver 5 can produce all kind of other outputs like images, flash and pdf // One of the powers of php is it's string manipulation commands. More to this later... // But the basics havn't changed at all. $variable_name = "Hello World"; $output_string.= "$variable_name
"; $output_string.= $variable_name . "
"; // If you want to see something, echo "it"; // or in the case of this file, $output_string.= "it!"; // everything starts with the border between html and PHP. // A php document has some or all code in the "PHP Mode" as I call it. // Anything HTML code # 2 ################# GLOBALS #######
\n"; // The PHP environment has three types of variables: // 1- GET POST REQUEST This variables are not stored and loose their // values if not resubmitted // 2.- COOKIE SESSION Client side and server side storage mechanisms // Can be retireved after a page reload or on any other page. // 3.- SERVER Provided variables from the apache server. Quite handy variables // for bigger projects. // This arrays are provided resources to make things happen. // PHP lives and dies with the submissions. Before and after form // submission are the two deciding states of a php script! // We use them to manipulate the represented html output. // Their Names are as follows: // $_GET , $_POST , $_SERVER , $_REQUEST , $_COOKIE and $_SESSION // !!! All of them are ARRAYS !!! // Printing the global $_REQUEST["first_name"]; $output_string.= "\$_REQUEST[first_name] " . $_REQUEST["first_name"] . "
"; ######################################################## ##################### VARIABLES CONSTANTS GLOBALS POST GET COOKIES ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

# 3 ################# VARIABLES #######
\n"; // This chapter is the start of your understanding of PHP // VARIABLES are written like this: "$name" for single values or "$name[$index]" for multi value arrays // CONSTANTS are a special form of variable. It's values can not be // changed in the program run. // They are more complicated to write: define('FIXEDNUMBER', '25'); $output_string.= FIXEDNUMBER . "
"; // GLOBALS are wonderful! Access to all submitted data values! // If you would submit a form and have a field with the label first_name, // after a submission you can show this variable with echo $first_name; // This variables are extracted by php from the superglobals // $_POST $_GET $_COOKIE and all together are contained in $_REQUEST // Instead of printing the global: // echo $first_name; // we could also, and that is the recommended form to do it, with: $output_string.= "\$_REQUEST[\"first_name\"] " . $_REQUEST["first_name"] . "
"; // if not known $output_string.= "\$_POST[\"first_name\"] " . $_POST["first_name"] . "
"; // if post method $output_string.= "\$_GET[\"first_name\"]" . $_GET["first_name"] . "
"; // if get method $output_string.= "\$_GET[\"alpha\"]" . $_GET["alpha"] . "
"; // again get method $output_string.= "\$variable_name " . $variable_name . "
"; // !!! for security globals should be turned off in php.ini !!! // Cookies are special in the sense that they stores values on the // client's machine and not in memory on the server. Sessions store // values too, but on the server in files in the temp directory ######################################################## ######################### CONDITIONS IF ELSEIF ELSE SWITCH ? '':'' ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

# 4 ################# CONDITIONS #######
\n"; // Every progamming language has Conditions. Php has three. // 1.- IF ELSEIF ELSE // in the case of a fresh pageload, the variable $_REQUEST["alpha"] // would be not set. // so we have to provide a default value. if(isset($_REQUEST["alpha"])){$thiz = $_REQUEST["alpha"];}else{$thiz =0;} // !!!! ISSET checks if the key,the variable name exists. // It does not check for a value !!! // to check for values use if($variable_name == "something"){ // do something; // } // now we have a sure way to evaluate the value of the variable $thiz. // it will contain in any case a value // syntax: // if(condition) { action1; } else { action2; } if($thiz ==0){ $that = "Number is zero"; }elseif($thiz ==1){ $that = "Number is one"; }else{ $that = "Number is higher then one"; } // endif $output_string.= $that . "
"; // if contitions are very intuitive and easy to understand // The elseif statement permits even to check various variables in one condition if($thiz =="0"){ $that = "Number is zero"; }elseif(isset($_GET["alpha"])){ $that = "Value alpha is " . $_GET["alpha"]; }else{ $that = "Value is higher then one"; } // endif $output_string.= $that . "
"; // 2.- SWITCH // syntax: // switch( $variable){ // case "text1": // action1; // break; // case "text2": // action2; // break; // case "234": // action3; // break; // etc... // case default: // action3; // break; // } // endswitch // and a real example if(condition) { action1; } else { action2; } switch ($_REQUEST["alpha"]) { case "increment": $countz++; $output_string.= "POST Submit counter $countz
\n"; break; case "reset_it": $countz=0; break; default: $output_string.= "

  • Unknown action ($thiz)
    \n"; break; } // A switch statement is checking one variable against several cases // 3.- The last case has not even a name that I can recall ? '':'' // variable "?" if exists do this ":" if not do this // the whole thing acts like one variable // only one echo needed // echo ($variable ? $variable : "N/A"); // The brackets are only for explanation. Here is the correct syntax // echo $variable ? $variable : "N/A"; $output_string.= "Alpha is \""; $output_string.= $_REQUEST["alpha"] ? $_REQUEST["alpha"] : "n/a"; $output_string.= "\"
    \n"; // // in this case it means print variable if exists // if not supply a default variable // If variable exists, echo $variable; // else supply echo "N/A"; // structure is variable "?" if exists do this ":" if not do this // echo $variable ? $variable : "N/A"; // capitch? // one more time... // it is like writing and normal variable // "echo $variable" , then skipping the semicolon ";" // adding a questionmark "?" // writing the variable again without echo or semicolon // "$variable" , // adding a colon : // and writing the default variable // "$default" // and then the semicolon ";" // echo $variable ? $variable : "N/A"; // capitch? // other conditional commands // is_array is_bool is_double is_float is_int is_integer is_long // is_null is_numeric is_string // single double and triple = signs // IF you assign a value, it has one = $thisvalue = "test"; // If you compare values it has two == if($thisvalue == "test"){ $output_string.= $thisvalue . "
    \n"; } // if you compare logic states it has three === $thatvalue = TRUE; if($thatvalue === true){ $output_string.= $thatvalue . "
    \n"; } // or none if($thatvalue){ $output_string.= $thatvalue . "
    \n"; } ######################################################## ############# STRINGS SUBSTR STRLEN STRPOS STR_REPLACE EREG ETC "" '' . ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 11 ################# STRINGS #######
    \n"; // some test text string with an archival number at the end $string = "Text in Ohio. 14567"; $output_string.= "ORG $string ----searching-------"; // find . position count in string $pos = strpos($string,"."); $output_string.= "found the dot at string position " .$pos . "
    "; // substring from the start to pos $text = substr($string,0,$pos); // get the last five digits of the string $number = substr($string,-5); // add a
    in betweeen $new_string = "both variables with a break in between
    " . $text . "
    " . $number; $output_string.= $new_string . "
    "; // does not need to be the first cahacter to start from $start_pos = 5; $end_pos = 8; $text = substr($string,$start_pos,$end_pos); $output_string.= "from 5th to 8th character: " . $text . "
    "; // replace something with something else $string = str_replace("in","AT",$text); $output_string.= "Text replace " . $string . "
    "; // or the more complicated function $string = eregi_replace("at","IN",$string); $output_string.= "Text replace " . $string . "
    "; // regular expressions (scary stuff) if(ereg("PHP_Crash_Course.php",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])){ $output_string.= "HOME
    "; } // ereg_replace is case_sensitive // eregi_replace is NOT case_sensitive // use str_replace if not needed for lower or upper case comparison $string = str_replace("at","in",$string); // CONCATENATION OF STRING VARIABLES $text1 = "Antoinette"; $text2 = "Brigitt"; $text3 = "Claudia"; $text4 = "Denise"; $a=5; $textz1[$a] ="ZEUS"; $textz2[$a] ="Poseidon"; $textz3[$a] = "Hermes"; $textz4[$a] = "Apollo"; //no spaces $value = $text1 . $text2 . $text3 . $text4; // with spaces $value = $text1 . " " . $text2 . " " . $text3 . " ". $text4; $output_string.= $value . "
    "; // all together $value = "$text1 $text2 $text3 $text4"; // arrays $concat_value = " " . $textz1[5] . " " . $textz2[5] . " " . $textz3[5] . " " . $textz4[5]; $output_string.= $concat_value . "
    "; // all together $output_string.= $concat_value . " <=> " . $value; // QUOTES "" '' // DOUBLE INSIDE DOUBLE NEEDS ESCAPING $output_string.= "
    This buttons are POST submissions
    \n"; $output_string.= "

    "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= "
    "; // SINGLE INSIDE DOUBLE WORKS w/o escaping $output_string.= "\n"; $output_string.= "
    "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= " "; $output_string.= "
    "; $variableX = "label"; $array["$variableX"] = "22"; $submit_str = "$PHP_SELF?alpha=" . $array[$variableX] . "&first_name=bernhard&switches=$sw2"; // Some strings are just horrible to look at // alternate LIGHT like an antelope between html and php mode $string = "text " . $var . "text " . $var . "etc..."; IF (isset($_REQUEST["first_name"])){$addon_html = "Hello " . $_REQUEST["first_name"];} $output_string.= "

    This link is a GET submission
    \n"; $output_string.= "$addon_html A Link to test \"GET\" submissions
    \n"; // Check the submit results in Loops below and Variables above! $output_string.= "
    Check the submit results in Loops below and Variables above!
    \n"; // make an enter in the document writing $output_string.= "\n"; $html = "

    !!!! Put this (slash-r slash-n) at the end of "; $html.=" every meaningful html block.\n In view code of your browser "; $html.="you will see actual enters after html blocks"; $html.=" for example.
    \n"; $html.=" DO IT! Right click and view code.\n"; $output_string.= $html; // \n is a windows enter // \n is a linux enter // \r is a mac enter // you pick the of choice for your scripts... :-) // CAREFUL WITH ARRAY VALUES AND SINGLE QUOTES $room[$VALUE] = 1; // will be OK $room["$VALUE"] = 1; // will be OK $room['$VALUE'] = 1; // will be NOT OK IT WILL BE TAKEN LITERAL LIKE '$VALUE' AND NOT AS THE // VALUE OF THE LABEL ######################################################## ################## ARRAYS NUMERIC, ALPHANUMERIC INDEXES IS_ARRAY IS_KEY ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 5 ################# ARRAYS #######
    \n"; // Arrays are a convenient way to store a lot of data in an ordered // manner. Arrays consist of a name and a key on one side and the // value on the other side of the equal sign. // Array syntax: // $name [ "index_key1" ] = $value; // $name [ "index_key2" ] = $value; // $name [ "index_key3" ] = $value; // single dimensional arrays $room=array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); $room=array('1'=>'1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); // The difference is that the first array's index is zero // and the second array's first index is one // !!! Array counts allways start with zero if not specified different!!! // multi level arrays $room2=array('1','2','3'); $room=array('1','2','3','4','5','6',$room2); // This are arrays with ascending numeric keys. // we could also have created the arrays like this $room[] = 1; $room[] = 2; $room[] = 3; $room[] = 4; $room[] = 5; $room[] = 6; $room[] = 7; // and for the second case $room[1] = 1; $room[] = 2; $room[] = 3; $room[] = 4; $room[] = 5; $room[] = 6; $room[] = 7; // after specifying the first index, the rest of the indexes will be // created automatically. // Here we see an array with alphanumenric keys: $room['one'] = 1; $room['two'] = 2; $room['three'] = 3; $room['four'] = 4; $room['five'] = 5; $room['six'] = 6; $room['seven'] = 7; // or $room = array('one'=>1,'two'=>2,'three'=>3,'four'=>4,'five'=>5,'six'=>6,'seven'=>7); // you could even have it mixed $room['one'] = 1; $room['two'] = 2; $room[123] = 3; $room[88] = 4; $room['five'] = $room2; $room['CE234a'] = 6; $room['000.001'] = 7; // lest visualize the array // Dont sweat over the details of this, I explain it later in loops while(list($label,$value_name) = each($room)){ if(is_array($value_name)){ // loop value_name array for($x=0;$x"; } }else{ // create row $output_string.= "$label = $value_name
    "; } // end is array } // endwhile // looks worse then it is, doesn't it?. // I will explain this in detail later in the loop chapter. // But it always comes down to this $arraylabel[$keylabel] = $value; // to show a single array value, write the key inside the brackets. $output_string.= "Single array key access:
    "; $output_string.= $room['CE234a'] . "
    "; $output_string.= $room['two'] . "
    "; ######################################################## ################################## LOOPS FOR WHILE FUN WITH LOOPS ######################################################## // Loops are the bread and butter of programming. They let the computer // do the work...Use them as often as possible $output_string.= "\n

    # 8 ################# LOOPS #######
    \n"; // any numeric ascending key arrays can be displayed fast like this: $output_string.= "print a numeric array:
    "; for ($counter=0; $counter < count($room2); $counter++){ $output_string.= "$counter = " . $room2[$counter] . "
    "; } //end for // for alphanumenric array keys we need the while loop $output_string.= "
    print the alpha numeric REQUEST array
    "; while(list($label,$value_name) = each($_REQUEST)){ $output_string.= "$label = $value_name
    "; } // LETS PLAY WITH COUNTING UP $output_string.= "
    loop to 255: "; for ($counter=0;$counter<255;$counter++){ $count = $counter; $output_string.= "$counter "; } //end for // LETS PLAY WITH COUNTING DOWN for ($counter=254;$counter>=0;$counter--){ $count = $counter; $output_string.= "$counter "; } //end for $output_string.= "
    and back to zero.
    "; // you always can skip an array element with continue // or exit a loop with break // do it before the output concatenation $output_string.= "
    Start with 5, Skip 10 and stop at 15: "; for ($counter=5;$counter<255;$counter++){ $count = $counter; // skip count 10 if($counter==10){continue;} // exit loop with 15 if($counter==16){break;} // concatenate all others numbers $output_string.= "$counter "; } //end for ######################################################## ##################################### DATABASES SELECT SYNTAX ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 6 ################# DATABASE THEORY #######
    \n"; // Databases are big arrays! // in the most simple form a databse row would be something like this: $row0["column_name"] = "value"; // this would be one column of a row // a whole row would have more then one key label $row0['first_name'] = "Joe"; $row0['last_name'] = "Sixpack"; $row0['email'] = "Joe@sixpack.com"; $row0['fax'] = "0019875555"; $row0['address'] = "crater 15"; $row0['city'] = "cancun"; $row0['zip'] = "77500"; // A simple array with several keys // Now, databases have tens of thousands of rows.... // To handle that organized, we need to add another dimension to our // two dimensional array, a row counter $rowz["$index"]["column_name"] = "$value"; // multiple keys and columns $row[0]['first_name'] = "Joe"; $row[0]['last_name'] = "Sixpack"; $row[0]['email'] = "Joe@sixpack.com"; $row[0]['fax'] = "0019875555"; $row[0]['address'] = "crater 15"; $row[0]['city'] = "cancun"; $row[0]['zip'] = "77500"; $row[1]['first_name'] = "Joanne"; $row[1]['last_name'] = "Whiskey"; $row[1]['email'] = "Joanne@wiskey.com"; $row[1]['fax'] = "00196774443"; $row[1]['address'] = "tulum av 12"; $row[1]['city'] = "cancun"; $row[1]['zip'] = "77500"; $row[2]['first_name'] = "etc...."; // show this array construct // numeric loop for($rowindex=0;$rowindexLast name: " . $last_name . "
    "; ######################################################## #################################### MYSQL MULTIROW RETRIVAL ######################################################## // Now that we know what the loops can do, // lets get several rows from a table: $output_string.= "\n

    # 9 ################# MYSQL multi row retrival #######
    \n"; // connect to database // !!! commented out mysql_connect( "$hostname", "$user", "$password") or die( "Unable to connect to SQL server"); // !!! commented out mysql_select_db( "$database") or die( "Unable to select database"); // already connected // query fields in table $resstat = 1; $loc = "Playa"; $query="select * from cunhot WHERE res_status LIKE '$resstat' AND res_status!=0 AND max_adults!=0 AND show_where=1 AND hotel_location LIKE '$loc%' ORDER BY 'hotel_name' ASC"; $result=mysql_query($query); // retrive total row count $total_rows=mysql_numrows($result); // build a while loop and start count with zero $count=0; while($count < $total_rows){ // get all vars for each row $uid=mysql_result($result,$count,"uid"); $sortid=mysql_result($result,$count,"sortid"); $hotel_name=mysql_result($result,$count,"hotel_name"); $hotel_description=mysql_result($result,$count,"hotel_description"); $hotel_location=mysql_result($result,$count,"hotel_location"); // assemble rows one after the other $rows_html .= "$uid$sortid$hotel_name$hotel_description$hotel_location\n"; $count++; } // endwhile cunhot query // show table $output_string.= "\n"; $output_string.= $rows_html; $output_string.= "
    \n"; */ ######################################################## # FUNCTIONS, CALL VALUES, GLOBALS AND RETURN OF MULTIPLE VALUES ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 10 ################# FUNCTIONS #######
    \n"; // We have used for some time the build in functions // (for while if isset mysql_query($query) etc...) // We can build our own ones too: // Functions break long scripts up in smaller blocks that can be re-used. // the beauty is that all variables used inside the function stay there. // Repeatedly used routines like date selectors, mysql queries, have a look // at the library.PHP file accomanying this COURSE function funct_name($var1, $var2,$varx){ // do something with the input vars return result; } // The bad thing is that we can not return more then one value. But don't // despair, there are two methods around that problem: // 1.- declare the other value you need to return as a global. // not a valid idea in 2013, there are no more globals // As soon as you called the function, the value will be available // outside the function. $var1 = "A"; $var2 = "B"; $varx = "C"; function thename($var1, $var2,$varx){ global $result2; // do something with the input vars $result = "OK
    "; $result2 = "OPERATING
    "; return $result; } //call function $output_string.= thename($var1,$var2,$varx); $output_string.= $result2; // 2.- return an array function thename2($var1, $var2,$varx){ // do something with the input vars $status["result1"] = "OK"; $status["result2"] = "OPERATING"; $status["result3"] = "HIGH"; return $status; } //call function $array = thename2($var1,$var2,$varx); // DISPLAY THE ELEMENTS $output_string.= $array["result1"] . "
    "; $output_string.= $array["result2"] . "
    "; $output_string.= $array["result3"] . "
    "; ######################################################## ######################## DATES TIME DATE STRTOTIME JULIANDATECOUNT ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 12 ################# DATE TIME #######
    \n"; // FACE IT: sooner or later you will have to deal with dates // The computer calculates everything with timestamps SECONDS // SINCE UNIX EPOCH 1970-01-01 // get used to it !!! // CREATE TIMESTAMPS // witout formatting, use default $nowdate= time(); // with custom formattiong $nowdate=gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s"); $output_string.= "

    "; //here are my favorite DATE snippets // format a date to whatever you want // Make stamp from date $UseDateS=strtotime($event_start); // or NOW $UseDateS=time(); // add three days $UseDateE=$UseDateS+(3* 86400); // date accepts a second parameter, you guessed it, a timestamp // which in turn gets formatted like the first variable's template shows $vacation_start=date("Y-m-d",$UseDateS); // get difference in days $datediff=(($UseDateE-$UseDateS)/86400); $output_string.= $datediff . "
    "; // see THAT number? // !!!! 86.400 that is the number of seconds of a day!!! // add 30 days to a timestamp $output_string.= "before and thirty days later
    "; $output_string.= $UseDateS . "
    "; $UseDateS=time()+(30*86400); $output_string.= $UseDateS . "
    "; function date_to_days($date){ $datetime = strtotime($date); $datearr["year"] = date("Y",$datetime); $datearr["month"] = date("m",$datetime); $datearr["day"] = date("d",$datetime); return $datearr; } function days_to_date($year,$month,$day){ // LEAVING FOR THIS TIME SECONDS MINUTES AND HOURS IN ZERO $UseDateS=mktime(0, 0, 0, "$month", "$day", "$year"); $datez=date("Y-m-d",$UseDateS); return $datez; } function add_days_to_date($here_and_now, $days_per_stay){ $newdate_arr = date_to_days($here_and_now); $days_added = $newdate_arr[day] + $days_per_stay; $newdate = days_to_date($newdate_arr[year],$newdate_arr[month],$days_added); return $newdate; } $output_string.= "Now and five days later
    "; $output_string.= $vacation_start . "
    "; $output_string.= add_days_to_date($vacation_start, 5) . "
    \n"; // add_days_to_date is a function I wrote, it does not come with php. // If you need any date before 1900 you need to use the julian day count. // that thing goes back over 3000 years $juliandaycount = 1876000; $output_string.= "Julian daycount:" . $juliandaycount . "
    "; $output_string.="
    " . jdtogregorian($juliandaycount) . "
    "; $juliandaycount = 1; $output_string.="
    " . jdtogregorian($juliandaycount) . "
    "; $output_string.="That is 25 November 4714 BC!
    "; // go from there... // lets try if strtotime can handle that date... $output_string.="
    " . date("Y M d ",strtotime(jdtogregorian($juliandaycount))) . "
    "; // there you have it: date does not work before 1970 // dates in different languages // change to spanish dates setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es_ES'); /* Output: Viernes 22 diciembre 1978 */ // echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978)); // Now date in spanish $output_string.= strftime("%A %e %B %Y") . "
    \n"; // with a specific time stamp $output_string.= strftime("%A %e %B %Y", strtotime($vacation_start)) . "
    \n"; ######################################################## ############################################## MATH FUNCTIONS ######################################################## // Math functions can calculate totally exact or do logical comparisons $output_string.= "\n

    # 13 ################# MATH #######
    \n"; // fmod: the modulo of a number $column_count = 3; $counter = 4; $output_string.= "$counter $column_count
    "; $output_string.= fmod ($counter,$column_count) . "
    "; // inside a loop you might find this code fragment // to do something every X times out of a totalcount If (fmod ("$counter",$column_count) == 1){ $output_string.= "add table commands
    "; $cnt = $cnt +$column_count; } // the math therm is modulo $divisor = $column_count; $variable = $counter; $rest = fmod($variable, $divisor); $output_string.= "Modulo (4/3) = " . $rest . "
    "; // bcmod(5, 4) evaluates to 1 (the rest) // another very useful function is // syntax // round ($number, $digits); $value = "23.87654563"; $output_string.= " Round $value to two digits after the comma: "; $output_string.= round($value,2) . "
    "; $output_string.= " Round $value to NO digits after the comma: "; $output_string.= round($value) . "
    "; // there are lots of functions in the math section like // sin, cos, tan, pi, etc... ######################################################## ############################################ FUNCTION LIBRARY ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 14 ################# FUNCTION LIBRARY #######
    \n"; // the library.PHP is a php file with all kinds of code snippets. // THAT is YOUR CONSTRUCTOR KIT!!! // copy / paste your programms together... // DON'T BE SHY... ######################################################## ##################################### BROWSE FUNCTIONS AT PHP.NET! ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 15 ################# BROWSE #######
    \n"; // if you have a rough idea what you are looking for, php.net is // the REFERENCE! // the online function reference is very well documented // and has lots of examples ######################################################## ################## PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 16 ################# S T R U C T U R E #######
    \n"; // to make your programming life easier, please memorize this four categories: // $memorize_this = "MEMORIZE THIS ONE AND ONLY RULE I HAVE DECLARED!!!
    "; $memorize_this.= "


    "; $output_string.= $memorize_this; // 1. put all variable declarations at the beginning of your script. // 2. then add all needed functions // 3. if else etc....conditions // 4. OUTPUT THE WHOLE THING!!!! // $output_string.= $html; ######################################################## ##################################### INCLUDE REQUIRE HEADER ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 17 ################# INCLUDES #######
    \n"; // THANK GOD FOR THE INCLUDES!!! // includes give you a way to keep a long program in several files/modules // you can add an include anywhere inside the script. // include("coretop.php"); // include("/home/yourdomain.com.mx/htdocs/core/user/$associ/$associ_lang.inc.php"); // include_once("coretop.php"); // include_once("http://bpf3.local/~bernhard/yourdomain.com/htdocs/coretop.php"); // if include fails to include the file, script continues loading // the rest of the code # --------------------------------------------------------------- //!!! disabled require("coretop.php"); //!!! disabled require_once("coretop.php"); // if require fails to include file, script stops. // !!! The "_once" means if it was already included, // it will not be included a second time. // here is a good example of includes, the index file of THESITE, // a fast prototype builder we use internally # --------------------------------------------------------------- /* !!!!!!!!! DISABLED... IT JUST GOT TOO MESSY $site_directory = "/webservices/thesite"; include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $site_directory . "/site_header.php"); include("cat_header.php"); include("$site_include_directory/site_js.php"); echo "\n"; include("$site_include_directory/site_design_start.php"); echo "\n"; include("$site_include_directory/site_nav.php"); include("cat_nav.php"); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; include("cat_content.php"); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; include("$site_include_directory/site_footer_nav.php"); include("$site_include_directory/site_footer.php"); include("$site_include_directory/site_design_end.php"); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; # --------------------------------------------------------------- END DISABLED !!!!!!! */ // very useful for a structured approach to load design and // other page elements. // thats it for includes... // headers are another golden command! You can redirect to // a new page inside conditions, depending on the condition. // header("Location:http://www.cancun.net"); // header("Location:/home/yourdomain.com/htdocs/yourdirectory/yourfile.php?force=ABC"); $output_string.= "can not show this life or you end up in cancun online.\n"; ######################################################## ################################################### PARSE_INI ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 18 ################# PARSE_INI #######
    \n"; // a call to this function will INSERT all values specified in the file // into the executing script. This ini file has a laxer syntax then php // and is required to be a textfile. // examples of the php.ini file: // variable_name = 45 // variable_name2 = 'text value' // array[name] = '$value1' $output_string.= "A one liner function call "; parse_ini_file("/home/etc/php.ini"); $output_string.= "and Voila, the default settings are loaded.
    "; $output_string.= "CHECK mysql.allow_persistent: " . $mysql.allow_persistent . "
    "; ######################################################## ######################################### CALI AUTHENTICATION ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 19 ################# CALI #######
    \n"; // if you ever need to protect a script with a password, use PHPLib. /* Again disabled because the includes load km of code include("/home/yourdomain.com.mx/php/prepend.php3"); page_open(array("sess" => "Example_Session", "auth" => "Example_Challenge_Crypt_Auth", "perm" => "Example_Perm", "user" => "Example_User")); $auth->login_if($again); // relogin, if this was requested... if ($perm->have_perm("admin") OR $perm->have_perm("supervisor") OR $perm->have_perm("editor")) { // do whatever the condition tells you } page_close(); end disabled */ ######################################################## ######################################## FILE AND DIRECTORIES ######################################################## $output_string.= "\n

    # 20 ################# FILE AND DIRECTORIES #######
    \n"; function getDirectoryTree( $outerDir , $x){ $dirlist = ""; $dirs = array_diff( scandir( $outerDir ), Array( ".", ".." ) ); $dir_array = Array(); foreach( $dirs as $d ){ if( is_dir($outerDir."/".$d) ){ $dir_array[ "$d" ] = getDirectoryTree( $outerDir."/".$d , $x); $dirlist.= $d . "
    "; }else{ for($cnt=0;$cnt"; } // endif } // endfor } // endif } // endforeach // $dirz[0]=$dir_array; // $dirz[1]=$dirlist; return $dir_array; } // end function $informat = array("css"); $dirz = getDirectoryTree("xmlreader/css/",$informat); $dir_array=$dirz[0]; print_r($dir_array); if(count($dir_array)>0){ foreach($dir_array as $outputfile){ $output_string.= basename($outputfile) . "
    "; } } $text = "You know what?????\n"; $text.= "

    #@%&*@# the explaining of the file() function !!!
    \n"; $text.= "
    R T F M -- Read The Fucking Manual, Man... r.t.f.m!\n"; $output_string.= "


    "; // without the dot, $text starts here. $text = "Go to PHP.NET and ask for the chapter on the FILE function\n"; $text = "Enjoy the next years programming with PHP!!!\n"; $text = "Saludos from the Tropical Cancun\n"; $output_string.= "


    "; ########################################## # I am finished.... You know already more then me! # ########################################## // cut -> paste -> in new document // modify -> upload -> reload page -> modify -> upload -> reload ... // try try try // /* WITH COMPASSION */ // ` /* 2006-25-FEB */ // /* Bernhard */ # another comment $output_string.= ""; // if you did not figure it out by yourself, click on the // phpcrashcourse title to see the results. ?> PHP Crash Course " . $title . ""; // the content one way or the other if($sw=="off"){ // echo the big html string with all the output // we are assembling all the way along. echo $output_string; // did you see that? Thats all.... }else{ // show the PHP source echo "

    "; echo show_source(__FILE__); } echo "© " . date("Y") . " " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; // sorry for the php mess in the html section, but the show_source // will output immediately and can not be reassined assigned to our // $output_string ?>