Update Shedules

update schedule bonfire

version 0.9.11
live section updated to include creation and edition of new events
site settings admin
user status and profile admin
uploader fixes
Tin Can Api Teacher's course tracking
Google Event tracking on audio, video and live
moved add button into menu
added Social Network sharing to menu

version 0.9.10
New menu organization
Search engine friendly links
Site settings panel completed
User profile panel completed
TinCan API integrated
cache set to 3 months
cache all js, css and thumbs
API dynamic cacheing implemented
98% performance rating

version 0.9.9
moved all js, css and image links to CDN
validation for information panel in edit
added layouts to images and videos
Uploader tuning and code maintenance.

version 0.9.8
Slider with group cover pages on home page
abandoned the splash page

version 0.9.7
Completely rewritten "all media in one uploader"
Major changes to the home page design now allow Stories, Collections and Bonfire Sites to be displayed simultaneously.
New approach to the multi level menu.
Manage now has "show on home splash" (SOHS), a "show on splash" (SOS) and "hide in menu" (HIM) features.
Hit counters for media and groups enabled.

version 0.9.6
extra mobile phone image uploader - done
font selection per category and group - done
social media icons - done
edit and manage functions on the site and category level.